On 26 Oct 2009 at 20:06, Beth Benoit wrote:

> Lots of buzz that this is a hoax. Including the Orthopedic Surgeon to whom 
> I'm married. Note that 
> "dystonia" is a symptom, not a diagnosis. 

It's an interesting question whether this is a hoax. The bizarre 
nature of her symptoms suggests this, as does the fact that the 
story is mostly relayed by wacko websites mounting anti-
vaccination campaigns. The story has not been picked up by 
any major news services.  And certainly hoaxes are not 
unknown on the Internet.

But if it is a hoax, the video presentations and articles on her 
case do nothing to give it away. A local newspaper, the Loudon 
Times-Mirror and a local reporter from her home town of 
Ashburn, Virginia appear to be the original and credible source 
for the story. 

See http://loudountimes.com/news/2009/oct/12/column-flu-shot-

 Also, NBC Washington, which I assume is an NBC affiliate, is 
an apparently credible source which relates the story (See 

Desiree Jennings of Ashburn, Virginia does exist, listed as 
placing 20th in a 5K race held on August 16, 2009, which is 
consistent with her story.

All in all, I'd tend to accept this unfortunate story as true (but I'm 
still gonna get my swine flu shot).


Stephen L. Black, Ph.D.          
Professor of Psychology, Emeritus   
Bishop's University               
 e-mail:  sbl...@ubishops.ca
2600 College St.
Sherbrooke QC  J1M 1Z7

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