On Mon, 23 Nov 2009 06:00:32 -0800, Stephen Black wrote:
>Ah, a chance to simultaneously tweak _both_ Mike Palij and 
>Allen Esterson cannot be denied (even if I will soon be made to 
>pay for it).  


>Their shocking illiteracy astounds me.

Hey, I'm an American.  My illiteracy should not be shocking. :-)

>First Mike:
> >I have no familiarity with Kirk Cameron, an actor, who was
> >on the show and who authored the introduction as well as
> >handing out copies of the free Darwin on Perdue's campus.
>Perdue = Purdue

I must have been thinking of tasty chicken products when I wrote
that. :-)

There is a Wikipedia entry on Kirk Cameron which provides 
information about Cameron's background and more detail on 
his on campus religious activities (however, the Wikipedia entry 
claims that only Ray Comfort wrote the intro while the original 
blog entry identifies Cameron as co-author).  Quoting the relevant 

|In November 2009 Cameron and others distributed free copies 
|of an altered version of Darwin's On the Origin of Species on 
|college campus in the United States.[42][43] The book consisted 
|of Darwin's text with selected parts removed and with an added 
|introduction by Ray Comfort reiterating common creationist 
|assertions about Darwin and evolution. The book has been criticized 
|by scientists and Darwin biographers for containing misinformation 
|about Darwin and repeating long-discredited creationist arguments, 
|for employing logical fallacies, and for omitting key chapters of the 
|book.[44][45][46] Comfort later said that the four chapters were 
|chosen at random to be omitted in order to make the book small 
|enough to be affordable as a giveaway, with the absent chapters 
|available for download, but that the missing chapters were included
|in the second edition, which had a smaller text size that made printing 
|the entire book as a giveaway affordable. The second edition still 
|lacks Darwin's preface and glossary of terms.[47] The National 
|Center for Science Education arranged a campaign at colleges 
|across the U.S. to distribute an analysis of the Comfort introduction 
|and a banana bookmark.[48]

An aside to Scott Lilienfeld:  another quote from the Wikipedia 

|Cameron and Comfort participated in a televised debate with 
|atheists Brian Sapient and Kelly O'Conner of the Rational Response 
|Squad, at Calvary Baptist Church, in Manhattan, on May 5, 2007. 
|It was moderated by ABC's Martin Bashir and parts of it were aired 
|on Nightline. At issue was the existence of God, which Comfort 
|stated he could prove scientifically, without relying on faith or the 
|Bible.[40] The audience was composed of both theists and atheists. 
|Points of discussion included atheism and evolutionary theory.[41]

Perhaps Scott could debate Comfort at Emory on the 
existence of God.  Best two out of three falls. :-)  See:
I'm sure it would attract a lot of old GCW fans. ;-)

-Mike Palij
New York University

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