First, I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who offered
suggestions for a video. The most popular one was "Methodology: The
Psychologist and the Experiment."  I ended up choosing this one since it
was readily available in our library and I could have a student worker go
get it yesterday (I'm under doctor's orders to stay home, or I might have
used Gary's suggestion below). Thanks again... now on with the summary.

- Marc

------Begin Summary-------
Langley Frissell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested the first two sequences
from The Discovering Psychology series with Zimbardo. This was also
suggested by Annette Taylor.

Hugh J. Foley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested "Methodology: The
psychologist and the Experiment."  This is the video that talks about the
work of Schacter and the light-deprivation study with kittens that was also
suggest by Sandra Price & Annette Taylor. Special thanks to Hugh, who
offered to express mail me the video.

Gary Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested "Robots on Roller
Skates" and "Invitation to Social Psychology", but also offered the most
creative suggestion on how to handle the lack of voice issue.  I've
included the relevant part below:
     "Or, why not a silent demo of your "psychic" ability---give them a
     short handout explaining that loss of voice has increased your psychic
     sensitivities, and ask them to design a test of your ESP?  See recent
     tips post, the archives, or any magic book for some simple esp demos.
     Have fun?"

Sandra Price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> also suggested the Scientific American
episode on animals, learning, and communication that aired recently. She
also mentioned doing the lecture via pantomine (runner up for the
creativity award).

Paul Schulman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> provided the following information on films
for the humanities (including one on the scientific method) quoted below:
     "I can't vouch for it but I just got a catalog today from films for the
     humanities with a 15 minute video on scientific method (and one on stat
     and psychooogy and a few more on stats)  Phone # 800-257-5126.
     The # for the sci method video was CBK8428 and its called scientific
     method. ($79)."

Annette Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested the "Against All Odds"
series on statistics. She also mentioned the "Methodology" and "Discovering
Psychology" videos. The "Against All Odds" series was also suggested by
Traci Giuliano. 

Traci Giuliano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested the "Against All Odds"
series as well, and in particular program 12.  She also provided contact
information for Annenberg (1-800-532-7637) who puts on the series.

Pollak, Edward <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> suggested the Nova episode "Secrets of
the Psychics" which features the Amazing Randi.

And finally, Nancy Melucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> provided the name of the Nova
episode that Edward Pollak had suggested.

G. Marc Turner, MEd
Department of Psychology
Southwest Texas State University
San Marcos, TX  78666
phone: (512)245-2526

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