  I recently read James Hilton's article in this month's APS Observer with
some general tips about teaching large courses. Having taught with him (as
a graduate student small-section leader) I can't say enough about how much
I respect his advice and approach. His students love him as well!  The
article might be a good start - it references other readings as I recall.

Good luck!
Connie Wolfe
Department of Psychology                        525 E. University
3213 East Hall                                  University of Michigan
734-764-9433                                    Ann Arbor, MI 48109

On Thu, 11 Mar 1999, Rod Hetzel wrote:

>      Hello:
>      I might have the opportunity to teach a large (between 75 and 250 
>      students) survey course in health psychology.  Does anyone have any 
>      references on teaching large courses?  I am interested in suggestions 
>      on how to present material in an educational yet entertaining format, 
>      alternatives to strict didactic approaches, how to keep students' 
>      attention, etc.  Although I have taught several smaller courses, I 
>      have never taught a course that large.  I imagine that larger courses 
>      require a bit more creativity in presenting the information to the 
>      students in a way that helps them to retain the information.
>      Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
>      Rod Hetzel
>      __________________________________________________________
>      Roderick D. Hetzel, Ph.D.
>      Department of Anesthesiology
>      University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry 
>      Pain and Symptom Treatment Center
>      2337 Clinton Avenue South
>      Rochester, New York  14618
>      716-275-3524 (phone)
>      716-220-2834 (pager)
>      716-473-5007 (FAX)
>      [EMAIL PROTECTED] (email)   

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