Connecting  Chlamydia to Heart Disease was an interesting article
I thought.   Ron Blue
-----Original Message-----
From: Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tuesday, March 16, 1999 12:22 AM
Subject: THE SCIENTIST March 15, 1999 issue is now available

>Welcome to The Scientist contents alert service. The March 15, 1999
>issue is now available on our free web site at:
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>Stories in this issue
>Concerns About Bioterrorism: A mid-February conference held in Crystal
>City, Va. encourages preparedness and discourgages panic.
>Heart in a Box: The Living Implants from Engineering (L.I.F.E.)
>Initiative is an international effort whose goal is to create a
>bioengineered heart in 10 years.
>Exploring Eugenics: Blurring lines between eugenics and genetic research
>have prompted the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG) to release a
>new statement.
>The World vs Cancer: The Epstein-Barr virus, implicated in cancer
>etiology in China, is providing international impetus for vaccine
>Chestnut Revival: The American chestnut finally may be on its way back
>to health, thanks largely to genetics.
>Virtual Biodiversity: Facilities are already under way all over the
>world at regional, national, and international levels, and a global one
>is planned.
>Letters: "Evolution:Pro," By James A. Carr
>"... and Con,"   By Albert S. Andersont
>Opinion: The Threat of Biological Weapons Must Be Addressed, by Joshua
>Commentary: Cooperation: The International Role of Scientists, by
>Alexander Keynan
>Hot Papers: Richard D. Palmiter of the University of Washington
>discusses the role of neuropeptide Y.
>Steve Oliver of the University of Manchester Institute of Science and
>Technology and Andre Goffeau of the Universite Catholique de Louvain,
>Belgium, discuss whole-genome sequencing.
>The Georgia Research Alliance: State government, industry, and academia
>team up and stake a claim on the biotech map.
>LOAD'EM UP THE EASY WAY: Molecular Probes Influx cell loading reagent
>delivers the goods to cells.
>TOUCH AND GO: Techne's new Touchgene thermal cycler.
>MICROSCOPIC IMAGE RECOGNITION: Automated analysis software from
>PROFILE: HOW THE WESTERN WAS WON: A profile of tools and kits available
>for Western blotting.
>PROFILE: THE TIES THAT BIND: Peptide display technology
>Seeing the Retina; Sunburned Transposons; Telltale Tangles; Connecting
>Chlamydia to Heart Disease; T-Cell Boosters; 'Multi-Hit' Mechanism; Iron
>Heavy Rice
>See the latest Job Opportunities at:
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