Just this morning a student asked me whether it was common practice in Europe
for lecturers to wear academic regalia when teaching. I told him that I don't
know. I do know that gowns are worn at Sewanee (University of the South) but I
don't know by whom, for what purpose, or to what effect.

I'm curious about it, especially since I'm in the middle of discussing
obedience to authority (e.g., Stanly Milgram's studies) in my Person In
Society class.

Along the same line of authority and so forth - did Milgram ever study the
response of women to authority in a shock experiment? Were women as likely to
go as far up the shock generator as men?

Nathalie Cote
Belmont Abbey College

Sylvester said:
>  I am toying with the idea of buying a white lab coat and wearing it while
>  lecturing.

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