> that had previously had the program disabled. Would it still work?  I
> these problems to Cedrus but they never got back to me.
> The positive side.  I do like the experiments in Superlab much better
> Mellab. However, the lab manual for Mel is much, much better.
> Gary J. Klatsky

I've used Superlab on and off for a few years now, originally with Macs and
I agree with the poster who said that it worked better with Macs. I've even
used it to run some of my own experiments. 

My reason for chiming in: the major drawback (as mentioned above) is
support. The manual is bad and when you pose a question sometimes they
answer it, sometimes they don't.

My $.02,

David J. Bennett Ph.D.        Voice: 617/521-2603
Department of Psychology   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Simmons College
300 The Fenway                               ObQuote:
Boston, MA  02115          "Life does not cease to be funny when people
FAX: 617-521-3086         die any more than it ceases to be serious when
                                          people laugh."
                                                            -George Bernard

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