> I am working on some data that is giving me fits.  I have problems with
> heterogeneity of variance. I have already omitted the outliers and have
> tried every transformation in the book as well as weighted least squares.
> The largest variance is associated with the smallest groups.  My thought is
> to do a nonparametric test - Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA.  This of course does not
> tell me where the difference is between by 7 means or mean ranks here now
> with the K-W.  My thought is to do the Games-Howell post hoc which assumes
> heterogeneity of variance with my DV in ranks since that is the K-W does
> ranks.
> Does this sound reasonable or are there better ways to go about this?

What's your design? By your considering a Kruskall-Wallis, I'm 
assuming a single-factor between-subjects. How have you established 
heterogeneity of variance? Did you try a power transformation?

Remember that the Kruskall-Wallis assumes that the distributions for 
all groups are similar--it doesn't matter what shape they are, as 
long as they're similar.

Assuming that you make the decision that non-parametrics are the way 
to go, I would skip the Kruskall-Wallis entirely, and do a series of 
Mann-Whitney's using Holm's Sequentially Rejective Bonferroni 
procedure, although with seven groups--gee, that's a lot of pairwise 
comparisons (21 to be exact), which would make the critical 
significance level of the first pairwise comparison .0024. Still, the 
biggest difference is probably going to be <.001, so you'll get 

If you would like me to walk you through the Holm's procedure 
off-list, let me know.

|John Reece, PhD                                                 |
|Dept. of Psychology & Intellectual Disability Studies           |
|RMIT University                          Phone: +61.3.9925.7512 |
|PO Box 71                                Fax:   +61.3.9925.7303 |
|Bundoora VIC 3083                 mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|AUSTRALIA       http://www.rmit.edu.au/departments/ps/reece.htm |

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