Donald McBurney writes:

>I now feel liberated to ask something I have wondered since I was a child:
>Does Bigfoot have ESP?  He must because he has successfully evaded all those
>trying to find evidence of his existence.
>Eagerly awaiting the use of bandwidth that makes me realize I am a real person
>every day when I log on...

Me too! Me too! I've got a BUNCH of questions I've been saving up!!

(1) Paper or plastic--does your choice say anything about your personality? Are
you more environmentally aware if you choose paper or if you choose plastic? I
like paper because I can put my garbage in it. Is there something wrong with
this? RELATION TO TEACHING: I give handouts that are printed on paper, but then
I throw the extras in the garbage can (which sometimes has a plastic lining).
Should I do this? Or perhaps I should just throw them all away without handing
any out?

(2) Are people who use their credit cards too much making up for a lack of love
from their parents or do they just want a lot of really cool stuff? My credit
cards are maxed to the limit. I like cool stuff. Is this OK or should I give it
all back? RELATION TO TEACHING: I"m a teacher and I wear some of this stuff to 
class. Should I have my students donate money to pay off my credit cards since 
they get to look at the stuff that I bought?

(3) The Milgram study--would the use of electric shock make our students learn
better? Should we really shock them, or would it be better to make believe
we're shocking someone else? How much voltage should I use? If I did this,
would it be OK if I started my lecture by saying something like, "I hope our
class isn't too shocking for you today"? Are puns bad to use in class?

(4) In regard to the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal--is oral sex REALLY sex? If not,
then should we be able to see it on TV? Do people who engage in a lot of oral
sex really have an oral fixation? Would bottle feeding during infancy cause
someone to do this more or less? RELATION TO TEACHING: Teachers talk a lot. Is
this due to oral fixations. My mother bottle-fed me. Is this why I'm a teacher?
Should I just stop talking during class?

(5) I like to watch pro wrestling. What ever happened to Gorgeous George? Was
he really gorgeous, or just good looking? Is the song "Drop dead gorgeous"
about him or someone else? RELATION TO TEACHING: One of my students is named
George, but he's not very good looking and I don't think he wrestles--should I
stop calling him Gorgeous George? Is it wrong to refer to students by using the
names of pro wrestlers?

I've got LOTS more where these came from!! Thanks!!

Jeff Ricker
Scottsdale Community College
Scottsdale AZ

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