On Sat, 27 Mar 1999, Paul C. Smith wrote:

> ==================
> Come on. I mean dead temporarily. JUst as a battery can be recharged,
> we can use this analogy to represent body and minds.
> Sorry,if this does not fit in the Eurocentric logical schema.
> ==================
> I am toying with the idea of buying a white lab coat and wearing it while
> lecturing. I do not at this time teach a lab class,but I just thought it
> might make
> me look more like a scientist.
> ==================
> Some college students may appear to be going along with the program
> just to get the degree. BTW,while on this topic can anyone remember the
> words of the song Little Boxes.It was sung by Pete Seeger. Something about
> they all go to the university and they all made out of ticky tacky and they
> all look just the same.

>       I believe that what _really_ concerns some of us is that we see
> ourselves with a certain mission as teachers of psychology, and that
> mission involves refuting some of the popular conceptions of psychology.
> When we're faced with college/university faculty who've discovered that
> they can be popular among students simply by _encouraging_ those popular
> conceptions, we feel betrayed. And we feel like we're butting our heads
> against a wall. 

Paul, two questions.  What popular conceptions of psychology are you
talking about?  And why are you assuming that the Micahel's above comments
reflect actions designed only to be popular among students?  

Make it a good day. 


Louis Schmier                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of History             http://www.halcyon.com/arborhts/louis.html 
Valdosta State University
Valdosta, GA  31698                           /~\        /\ /\
912-333-5947                       /^\      /     \    /  /~\  \   /~\__/\
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