Without reading the article, it seems unlikely this could be an
experimental design.  How would you randomly assign someone to heart
attack risk?  Therefore, this is a spurious relationship.  It might just
be that more women are likely to be friends with men less risky of heart
attacks OR some other unknown factor might explain these findings.  I'm
wondering if these women are buddies to the men or
"kissin"                      friends, if you know what I mean.      :)

Diana Kyle
Palomar College
760-744-1150 X5032

Michael Sylvester wrote:

> According to a source,one of the recent issues one of the Journal of
> Psychosomatic Medicine reports that the more women friends a man has
> the less likely he will be subject to a heart attack.
> Would like more info on this?
> If this is confirmed,should we assume that there is an advantage
> of being a a ladies' man?
> or some degree of male promiscuity has sociobiologicalevolutionary
> significance?
> Michael Sylvester
> Daytona Beach,Florida

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