On Fri, 22 Jan 1999 00:19:31 -0500 (EST) Stephen Black
>Jean Edwards asked about a story that Joyce Brothers was tossed out 
>the APA for an ethical infraction, and Jim Matiya then asked:
>> Where's Stephen Black when we need him.....
>I can't resist flattery but the fact is that I know nothing about
>Joyce Brothers other than I watched her on the TV programme _The
>$64,000 Question_ when I was a kid. She won big bucks for answering
>questions on boxing. I am not making this up (and this memory must
>really date me). I don't recall that she was accused of cheating,
>although, of course, prominent others were.

I don't know about Joyce Brothers' status with APA either, but I have
heard her say in an interview that she thought the $64,000 Question
program staff resorted to cheating to try to get her to lose.  She wasn't
very popular with the viewers so the program wanted her gone and
supposedly gave her relatively harder questions than her competition.

Ann Calhoun-Sauls
Psychology Department
Belmont Abbey College
Belmont, NC  28012

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