Dr Ronald Webster at Hollins College in Roanoke Va is a world reknown
expert on stuttering and its treatment.  You may reach the Hollins
Communication Institute at 540-362-6528
His basic discovery was that stutterers have a neuronal/ motoric delay in
transmission of internal feedback from the vibration of the vocal chords to
the inner ear. (That is why stutterers don't stutter when they listen to
delayed feedback).He facilitates that transmission by an electronic device
that sends the feedback faster plus teaches a technique of gradual onset of
speech sounds. Gradual onset explains the curious finding that stutterers
don't stutter when they sing. The training, based on empirical research and
learning principles, takes 3 weeks and the combination of "device" plus
training "cures" over 90% of clients.  It is amazing.  

At 09:15 AM 2/9/99 -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>I am trying to amass information on the causes of stuttering. I have come
>across speculations that stuttering may be due to problems in
>communication involving the cortex, but little else so far. Does anyone on
>the list have information on the causes of stuttering?
>Jeff Ricker
>Scottsdale Community College
>Scottsdale AZ
Dr. Joyce Johnson
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Developmental/ Experimental
Centenary College of Louisiana
Shreveport, LA

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