Fellow Tipsters,

I have a question that I hope some of you can anwer. I teach an
undergraduate course in learning and have typically taught it from the
point of view of animal learning & behavior. I have used such textbooks as
Schwartz & Robbins (1995) Psychology of Learning & Behavior(We have a
separate course on human cognitive processes). I could see the learning
course being tought from several angles: 1)animal learning & behavior. 2)
human learning & memory. 3) principles of behavior/behavior modification.
My question is, when graduate programs expect students to have had an
undergraduate learning course, what type of course (from what point of
view) are they expecting.

Just trying to make sure our students are prepared.

Thanks in advance,


R. Thomas Dudley
Department of Psychology
Tarleton State University
Stephenville, TX 76402

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