Dear Tipsters,

I reviewed the literature on individiual differences in vividness of 
visual imagery as measured by Marks' Vividness of Visual Imagery 
Questionnaire, which he recommends be completed with eyes open then 
eyes closed.

I found (McKelvie, 1995, pp. 20-210 that there was no significant 
difference in reported vividness with eyes open and closed 
(95% confidence interval for effect size d was -0.09 to 0.17; 
studies) and that the correlation between scores under the two 
conditions was .759 (95% confidence interval .667 to .827). 
Therefore, I do not think that there is any systematic evidence of 
much effect of this variable on scores.  Akhter Ahsen (personal 
communication) thinks that people should be allowed to choose because 
he found that "most subjects compulsively return to their own natural 
way of functioning."

Some studies have indicated slightly different correlations between 
VVIQ scores and criterion tasks when the former is completed under 
eyes open or closed, but they are few.


McKelvie, S. J. (1995). Vividness of visual imagery: Measurement, 
nature, function & dynamics.New York:  Brandon House.

Also a separate issue of The Journal of Mental Imagery, 1995, 19, 


Stuart J. McKelvie. Ph.D.,                Phone: (819)822-9600
Department of Psychology,                 Extension 2402
Bishop's University,                      Fax: (819)822-9661
Lennoxville,                              e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Quebec J1M 1Z7,

Bishop's University Psychology Department Web Page:

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