The following was in the NY Times.


Jeff Nagelbush
Ferris State University

If Things Taste Bad, 'Phantoms' May Be at Work

                   By ERICA GOODE

              Until he bit into a piece of raw cabbage on that 
February evening in
               1997, Dr. Raymond Fowler had not thought much about the 
sense of

          The cabbage, part of a pasta dish he was preparing for his 
family's dinner,
          had an odd, burning taste, but he did not pay it much 
attention. Then a few
          minutes later, his daughter handed him a glass of cola, and 
he took a
          swallow. "It was like sulphuric acid," he said. "It was like 
the hottest thing
          you could imagine boring into your mouth." 

          Over the next few weeks, Dr.
          Fowler, who is the chief
          executive officer of the
          American Psychological
          Association in Washington,
          realized that something was
          badly askew in his gustatory
          world. Everything he ate tasted
          like "unsalted dough." Ice water
          was painfully sweet, "as if
          someone had added three
          packages of Equal." An
          unpleasant salty sensation
          gathered at the back of his
          mouth and would not go away. 

          When eating finally became so
          unpleasant that he was reduced
          to swigging down high-nutrition supplements, Dr. Fowler 
sought help from a
          colleague, Dr. Linda Bartoshuk, a Yale University 
psychologist specializing in
          the study of taste. 

          In Dr. Bartoshuk's lab, Dr. Fowler's cranial nerves were 
tested for taste and
          for pain, his tongue was painted with blue food coloring and 
videotaped in
          action, his ability to smell turpentine, coffee and other 
odors was tested, and
          a thorough examination was conducted of his mouth, including 
the fungiform
          pappilae, the structures that house taste buds, on his 
tongue. Then Dr.
          Bartoshuk delivered her diagnosis: the burning sensations 
and mysterious
          tastes, she told him, were sensory phantoms, his brain's 
response to damage
          to the chorda tympani, a branch of the VII cranial nerve 
that serves taste
          buds in the front of the tongue, runs through the middle 
ear, and carries taste
          messages to the brain. 

          The damage, Dr. Bartoshuk said, was probably temporary, and 
might be the
          result of a medicine Dr. Fowler was taking, or by a viral 
infection. And a few
          months later his sense of taste did return to normal. 

          The most familiar example of phantom sensation is phantom 
limb syndrome,
          in which a patient continues to feel pain in an arm or leg 
long after the limb
          has been amputated. But phantoms can occur in any of the 
senses. Tinnitus,
          or constant ringing in the ears, is a type of auditory 
phantom. People who
          have lost much of their vision often experience visual 

          Doctors historically have viewed phantoms of taste and smell 
as insignificant
          -- if annoying -- side effects of injury or illness, or 
dismissed them as
          neurotic symptoms. When the composer George Gershwin 
          experiencing, among other complaints, a persistent smell of 
burning rubber,
          for example, he was told by doctors that he had a nervous 
          Gershwin died a few years later of a brain tumor. 

          In recent years, however, a surge of scientific interest in 
the mechanisms of
          human taste and olfaction has focused new attention on the 
ways in which
          these senses can become disordered, and as a result, 
phantoms of taste and
          smell are receiving greater scrutiny. Though there are no 
precise numbers,
          scientists estimate that such phantom sensations afflict 1 
percent or more of
          the population. 

          Dr. Bartoshuk, who has evaluated more than 100 cases of 
taste phantoms,
          and her colleagues will present some of their work at the 
annual meeting of
          the Association for Chemoreception Sciences in Sarasota, 
Fla., this week. 

          Because taste and smell are so closely linked, it is 
sometimes difficult to tell
          which system is in trouble. Patients who suffer from 
anosmia, or a loss of
          smell, for example, often report to clinics complaining 
instead that they have
          lost their sense of taste. But taste and smell phantoms, Dr. 
Bartoshuk said,
          usually can be distinguished by their quality. Bitter, 
salty, sweet, or sour
          phantoms -- corresponding to four basic categories the 
tongue can
          distinguish -- are always related to disorders of taste. 
Smell phantoms, in
          contrast, are usually more complex in nature: patients may 
complain of
          tasting or smelling rotting food, for example, fecal matter, 
gasoline or smoke.

          Like Dr. Fowler, some patients who have taste phantoms also 
suffer from
          "burning mouth syndrome," an intense burning sensation on 
the tongue, often
          at its tip. When Dr. Bartoshuk examined Dr. Fowler, she 
discovered that he
          was a "supertaster," someone who has an unusually large 
density of taste
          buds, each surrounded by pain fibers. Supertasters, Dr. 
Bartoshuk has found,
          are more likely to develop burning mouth syndrome, as are 
          women, who often have lost their ability to sense bitter 

          The link between burning mouth syndrome and taste phantoms 
led Dr.
          Bartoshuk to theorize that both were the result of damage to 
the chorda
          tympani, one of three cranial nerves involved in taste. 
Scientists have found
          that the taste system involves a complicated feedback loop, 
with each nerve
          acting to inhibit the signals of other nerves. The chorda 
tympani, in
          particular, appears to exert an inhibitory influence on 
other taste nerves, as
          well as on pain fibers in the tongue. 

          When the chorda tympani is damaged, its inhibitory function 
is disrupted,
          prompting increased activity in other nerves. In an elegant 
series of
          experiments, Dr. Bartoshuk and Dr. John Kveton, an 
otological surgeon at
          Yale, have found that when the chorda tympani is 
anesthetized, research
          subjects experience intensified sensation in area served by 
other taste nerves.
          In about 40 percent of the subjects, anesthetizing the 
chorda tympani
          produced taste phantoms, the result, Dr. Bartoshuk argues, 
of the

          In other work, to be presented at the chemoreception 
sciences meeting, the
          psychologist and her colleagues showed that when the chorda 
tympani is
          anesthetized, pain sensitivity increases in regions served 
by the trigeminal
          nerve on the opposite side of the tongue. Supertasters, who 
have a denser
          field of pain fibers, had the greatest increase in pain 
sensation. In another
          study, the researchers found that patients with burning 
mouth syndrome
          showed severe damage to the chorda tympani, suggesting pain 
          may appear when the chorda tympani's inhibiting influence is 
interrupted. "All
          of a sudden, the genie is out of the bottle," Dr. Bartoshuk 

          The taste system's feedback loop, she said, may make 
evolutionary sense,
          insuring, for example, that if one nerve is damaged the 
others increase their
          activity to compensate. This is seen most clearly in 
patients whose chorda
          tympani nerve has been damaged by ear surgery. Such 
patients, doctors find,
          rarely complain of taste loss. 

          Clonazepam, an anti-seizure drug, seems effective in 
treating burning mouth
          syndrome in more than 70 percent of patients, Dr. Bartoshuk 
said, perhaps
          because it has an inhibitory action on the brain. 

          While virtually every taste phantom, she said, can be traced 
to nerve damage
          somewhere in the taste system, smell phantoms are much more 
difficult to
          account for. Many are clearly related to a head injury or a 
viral illness. But
          occasionally, olfactory phantoms appear spontaneously, with 
no identifiable

          Dr. Donald Leopold, an associate professor in the department 
          otolaryngology-head and neck surgery at Johns Hopkins 
University, says he
          has performed surgeries on nine patients who sought his help 
after being
          plagued by spontaneous smell phantoms that persisted for 

          His patients, said Dr. Leopold, who will present the cases 
at the
          chemoreception sciences meeting this week, are usually women 
between the
          ages of 20 and 40. They come from all walks of life and do 
not appear to
          have other significant health problems. Typically, he said, 
a patient "is going
          along with her usual life and at 10 o'clock in the morning 
on a Thursday, all
          of a sudden she experiences a bad smell." 

          Often, he said, the odor departs after a short time and 
returns intermittently
          over a period of months, but eventually becomes a constant 
          "They're miserable," Dr. Leopold said. "At some point most 
have told me that
          it's really not worth living with this." 

          One woman, he said, claimed the smell went away when her 
nose was
          irritated. "She bent a paper clip and stuck it up her nose," 
he said. 

          Kain Blandford, one of Dr. Leopold's patients, was 18 years 
old and working
          as a waitress when she was struck by what she calls "The 
Taste." She
          ordered a hamburger and fries at McDonald's, took a bite of 
her lunch, and
          found that it tasted "really bad," as if something was 
rotten. A month later,
          the rotten taste returned. When it started happening every 
few weeks, she
          said, "I realized that this is me, that this is not the 

          Ms. Blandford began to keep track of the things that brought 
the rotten
          sensation on: steam, grease, humidity, heavy perfume. 

          For a while she thought crying caused it to go away, and she 
would think
          about the saddest things she could imagine in order to make 
herself cry. Then
          she thought it got better when she pinched her nostrils. "I 
started holding my
          nose all the time," she said. "I didn't want to tell people 
about it because it's
          so embarrassing and so strange." 

          When, three years ago, Ms. Blandford, who is now 29 and a 
radio announcer
          in Charleston, S.C., reached the point that she had stopped 
eating altogether,
          she called Dr. Leopold, and underwent surgery shortly 
thereafter. By
          anesthetizing each side of her nose in turn and testing her 
sense of smell, Dr.
          Leopold determined that the problem was one-sided. In the 
surgery, he
          excised the olfactory epithelium high in the nose on the 
affected side, cutting
          the small nerves that pass up through the bony plate. In 
every case, he said,
          his patients say that the smell phantom either disappeared 
or subsided to a
          tolerable level, although some patients underwent more than 
one surgery. 

          Ms. Blandford said her smell phantom returned in much milder 
form two
          years after the surgery. Given a choice of another operation 
or living with the
          phantom's remnants, however, she opted for the latter. "It's 
a little like having
          a low-grade headache all the time," she said. 

          Still, Ms. Blandford said, she often wonders why she had the 
phantom at all:
          "When I die and I'm going up that big tunnel, the first 
thing I'm going to ask
          is, 'Do you mind explaining what that was all about?' " 

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