I'm looking for something inspiring or thought-provoking with which to
end an Introductory Psychology course. Do you have any quotes, sayings,
proverbs, etc., that help to summarize or encapsulate one or more of the
major messages of Introductory Psychology? If so, would you be willing to
share it (them) with the group?

Hank Goldstein
Hank Goldstein, Ph.D.            |   PHONE:  (319) 588-6305
Department of Psychology         |   FAX:    (319) 588-6789
Clarke College                   |   EMAIL:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dubuque, IA  52001               |
"You can always spot a well-informed person; her/his views are the
same as yours."
  Ilka Chase [paraphrased]

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