EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST: The Psychology Department at Augustana College invites applications for a 1-year position in the area of general experimental psychology for the 1999-2000 academic year. Duties will include teaching a lab course in either Cognitive or Learning, Introduction to Psychology, and other courses in the candidate's areas of interest and stimulation and supervision of student research. The successful applicant will be able to contribute to a quality undergraduate program at a selective liberal arts college where the primary focus is teaching. ABD or Ph.D. required. Review of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, curriculum vita, 3 letters of recommendation and evidence of teaching performance to: Dean Richard Jurasek, Psychology Search Committee, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL 61201. Augustana is an equal opportunity employer.
Title: job opening
- Job Opening leynes
- bonus points Fenwick, S.A.
- bonus points Michael Sylvester
- Re: bonus points Gerald Peterson