        On my examn I always add a five-point bonus question at the end.
On my final exam the bonus question was:

        The semester is finally over and you are headed home for the
summer. Upon arrival your parents greet you with great enthusiam. They
want to hear all about the psychology course you took because they want to
learn how to psychoanalyze people.  
        Based on what you learned this semester in General Psychology what
would you say to your parents?

The point was for my students to explain that psychology is not all about
analyzing people.  There are many other facets to the "science".  My
students overall did pretty well on the question and I got a chance to see
what areas they focused on the most.

Nina L. Tarner                            $
Animal Learning/Physiological Psychology  $       Kansas State University
Department of Psychology                  $        Manhattan, KS. 66506
539 Bluemont Hall                         $         (785) 532-6850 (msg)
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     $         (785) 532-7004 (fax)

On Wed, 12 May 1999, Bob Ferguson wrote:

> Tipsters--
> Help!  If anyone has any energy or creativity remaining at this point in the term, 
>I'd like to borrow some of it.  I'm writing the final exam for my general psych 
>course & would like to include a comprehensive essay question.  My goal is to get the 
>students to step back a bit & look at the forest instead of the trees.  In 
>particular, I'd like them to do some reflection on the semester & to incorporate 
>ideas from several different chapters that we've covered.  
> Has anyone tried this?  What have been your experiences?  (Please don't tell me it 
>was a complete flop--I'm already committed to the comprehensive question!)  Any 
>thoughts would be appreciated.
> Bob F
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
> Bob Ferguson, Ph.D.
> Professor of Psychology
> Buena Vista University
> "The world is older and bigger than we are.
>  This is a hard truth for some folks to swallow."
>                                    --Edward Abbey  
> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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