My favorite final exam question is:

Think about what you have learned in this class this semester.  Choose one
thing that you have been able to apply to your life.  Describe what you have
learned and then tell how you have applied it. Be sure to include sufficient
detail that I can see what you have learned.

I keep these answers as an indication of students interest and the types of
thing that they actually understand and find useful.

Many of them tell me that they now understand that there are alternatives to
punishment and they have tried using reinforcement with their
child/spouse/pet and have found it to be more effective than their former
Many report better understanding of friends and family with mental illness.
Others report improvement of study skills and memory.

Some indicate that they have learned little that they can communicate top
me. ("I learned about the brain.")
Susan J. Shapiro, Ph.D.
Associate Professor Psychology
Indiana University East
2325 Chester Blvd.
Richmond, IN 47374
Office phone: (765) 973-8284
Office FAX: (765) 973-8508

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