  RMC has a policy that the department chair has to approve the
use of instructional materials if the instructor is the author. 
The royalties are are for the author if the book is approved.  
  The purpose of this policy is to avoid irrelevant materials
being assigned.  It allows for the fact that most textbooks don't
really cover the material that is covered in class.  The
professor can write a book that covers the course content
-David Wheeler, Ph.D., CMT
 Associate Professor, Psychology
 Robert Morris College
 Pittsburgh PA USA
Copyright 1999 All rights reserved.  Permission is granted for
redistribution in-whole or in-part providing it is not used for
monetary gains and this signature file is included.
Remember, the Earth is a place, earth is dirt.  See how silly
this looks: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, earth, Venus, Mercury

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