James S. MacDonall wrote:
>         I follow a similar approach.  I deduct points for quotations.  They
> 'can' quote but they do not.  I use the same rationale -- I'm grading
> them, not the author of the quote.

Slowly I'm learning..... this semester I spent time discussing
plagiarism, doing class exercises on how to quote and paraphrase. 
Unfortunately (?) several students interpreted this as "as long as I'm
quoting in APA style, it's ok"-- I have more than one paper that is
nearly entirely quotes-- and many are not in APA style either.

I've decided next semester to add to my ever-growing syllabus a limit of
3 quotes in their papers or a grade reduction.

Its nice to see that I'm not the only one struggling with this.


Tara L. Kuther, Ph.D.                                           
Department of Psychology                                        
Western Connecticut State University                            
Danbury, CT 06810                                               
(203) 837-8694                                                  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      

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