Hi folks,

A paper presented by the authors of the meta-analysis (Rind, Rtomovitch,
and Bauserman) can be found at:

Rind gave the opening address at a conference called The other side of
the coin - a study conference held in the Netherlands.

Below is the preamble to the conference:

(Rough translation from the Dutch)-- Today it's hard to imagine, but
it's less  than twenty years ago that sexual love between youths and
adults was discussed almost only in a positive sense. When experiential
experts started to get out in the open about sexual violence that they
had undergone in their youth, they originally had much  hardship to get
a hearing. Only gradually it was realized how intensely such experiences
can determine a person's life.

 Nowadays stories and theories about sexual abuse fully dominate the
image of sexuality in which children and youths are involved; even when
talking about children of different ages it seems that the theme can
only be dealt with in binary terms of perpetrators  and victims. And,
not to be forgotten, the therapists who set themselves up as the only
ones who can make these two identity categories function in society
again. The pendulum has  completely swung to the other side, so now
those with positive  experiences and research results are give little or
no hearing.

 To, after a long time, shed light on this side of the coin again, the
church institution KSA has organized a study conference, in  which the
American psychologists Bruce Rind and Robert Bauserman (under reserve)
have been invited as main speakers  In professional circles Bauserman
and Rind in recent years have distinguished themselves by their
publications of several meta-analyses on the topic.

 In a time where almost every detective, public prosecutor,  politician,
therapist or priest is convinced that every sexual experience of a youth
by definition results in severe, lasting  damage, it is worthwhile to
test this 'opinion chic'. In the first  place to test it to the
meta-analyses of Rind and Bauserman and those of their predecessor in
the eighties, Larry Constantine, but also to the insights of Dutch
scientists and social workers who  have not fully conformed to
fashionable ideas when their own experiences and insights appear to be
contrary to them.

linda m. woolf, ph.d.
associate professor - psychology
webster university

main webpage:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/
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