I am setting up an area of our graduate student lounge for teaching
resources.  At our university, graduate students, after taking a class on
teaching psychology and being approved, teach (not TA) classes such as
Intro, Developmental Psychology, Psychology of Women, Health Psychology,
Psychology of Marital Adjustment, and Psychology of Adjustment.  There have
also been a few cases of getting to teach Experimental Methods and
Quantitative Methods.  Usually, we don't have a lot of notice so that we can
prepare.  Additionally, we are taking a full load of classes and doing
research. I thought that having a resource library would greatly help in
class preparation.

So, what I am trying to do is to get ideas from others who have set this
type of resource library up to find out what you have included, etc.

Also, if anyone knows of good videos, textbooks, websites, etc related to
any of the above topics, I would really love to hear from you!

Thanks is advance!
Patti Price
University of North Texas

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