Howdy Folks,

I'm going to try and stay away from the sex and religion debate (probably
really a sex and some forms of Christianity debate).

Anyway, this post did remind me of an experience one of our anthropology
professors dealt with a few years back.

We have a contract with Southwestern Bell (a very large baby Bell!) to teach
some courses towards a B.A. at One Bell Center in downtown St. Louis.  This
professor selected a variety of texts for the course, one of which has a
semi-nude individual from a traditional culture in Africa on the cover.  Bell
prohibited him from using the text as it violated their sexual harassment
policy.  If I remember correctly, he ended up using the text (as it was the
best text on the topic) after purchasing the books and ripping off the cover.
He then lent them to the students for the semester.

What are the limits of academic freedom particularly as many universities
expand into the corporate sector?

Warm regards,


linda m. woolf, ph.d.
associate professor - psychology
webster university

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