Mike Scoles wrote:

> Should we dismiss any *logical* argument from such a person?  If a racist says
> that 2+2 = 4, should we say, "I've got to question that because you are an evil
> person."?  Russell's counter to Pascal's wager would have merit, even if it
> originated with Hitler.  To say otherwise is exactly what characterizes an ad
> hominem argument.

We are discussing ethical/moral truth arguments and yes, I would dismiss an
argument made by Hitler about ethics or moral truths.

Perhaps, I missed the logic of Russell's argument that was based on a hypothesis
of a what an ultimate being might think in a hypothetical situation and then the
hypothetical result for human beings.

The quote was (to refresh folks memories):  suppose God values intellectual
honesty above all else (a what-if statement - we don't know if there is a God or
that he/she values intellectual or any other form of honesty let alone above all
else) and that he has given us shoddy evidence of His existence (a what-if built
upon the previous what-if assumes that any evidence has been given or chosen to
have been given) and is planning to damn to hell (an assumption that this place
even exists - not even found in the Torah)  all those who believe in Him only for
the sake of the glittering prizes (another what-if built solely upon the previous
two and excludes all those who believe but for other reasons besides the
glittering prizes or in addition to the glittering prizes).

I'm afraid I fail to see the similarity in logic to 2+2=4

I do see an argument related to intellectual honesty in relation to a topic
connected to issues of ethics and morals.  And, this is the point where I start
looking at who wrote the statement.  Clearly, a mathematical equation is not a
moral or ethical statement.

> > If Shockey's work was in the area of ethics or race relations, I would be
> > very concerned.
> Concerned about what?  Using computers?  (Stephen's point--not to be confused
> with Steven's Point.)

To clarify: if a racist is making policy or ethical statements about race
relations I would be concerned.


linda m. woolf, ph.d.
associate professor - psychology
webster university

main webpage:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/
Holocaust and genocide studies pages:
womens' pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/women.html
gerontology pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/gero.html


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