I've been staying out of this thread because at first it appeared to be
another ill thought out statement.  The longer this has been going on, the
harder it is to sit on
the side lines

 >   Btw,an "official" story from the authorities does not mean that the
>  is true.
>  Who was it that said: "I did not have sex with that woman".
>  As someone who teaches my students critical thinking skills, I encouage
>  them to even question and be even skeptical of official communiques'

It would be helpful to all if you applied some of those critical thinking
skills before posting things like:

> there was a story that the blood donated by the black jews
> were put in a separate blood banks and were discarded because Israel
> did not want to mix the Ethiopian blood with those of the other
> immigrants.

And maybe you could research the "story" to find out what the truth is
before you make your implications.  Every blood bank will isolate the blood
from countries with high HIV rates. Your statement implied that the
Israeli's did not want Ethiopian blood because of race issues.  What do you
think would happen if you tried donating blood and said you were from Haiti
or Uganda.

You may say you are not anti-Semitic but the continuous posting of
stereotypical and negative comments indicates the opposite.  I don't care
how many of your friends are Jews.  I also find your statements offensive.
One would hope the list owner would eventually put an end to it.

Gary J. Klatsky
Department of Psychology                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Oswego State University (SUNY)                  http://www.oswego.edu/~klatsky
Oswego, NY 13126                                        Voice: (315) 341 3474

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