> A deaf student, who also lacks the ability to speak, has applied
> to our MA program in clinical psychology.  I am interested in
> what kind of accommodations we can provide that will help this
> person be successful.  My fear is that his disability might make
> it impossible for him to complete our required courses in
> assessment.  At least, at present I am not sure how he would be
> able to administer common instruments such as the WAIS or WISC.
> Since our program leads to licensure in the state as a
> psychological examiner and to employment doing psychological
> assessment, it seems as if the ability to administer these
> instruments is critical.  So my question:  Are there
> accommodations that can be made, or is this a case where the
> disability might prevent him from pursuing an educational program
> and a career goal?  Any help you can offer would surely be
> appreciated.

Yes, accommodations can be made.  Probably nothing more than an
interpreter and maybe a notetaker, although the applicant would be best
qualified to identify his needs (which I understand you cannot ask while
he is under consideration).

I'm a graduate of Gallaudet University, where deaf (as well as hearing)
individuals are regularly trained as psychologists from Clinical and
School programs.  With interpreters, a competent deaf person is simply a
competent person.  In addition, it is exceedingly difficult for deaf
clients to find psychologists who can communicate in fluent sign
language and training deaf individuals to meet this need is a public
service (IMHO).  

This does not mean that it is easy, of course; deaf individuals are
going to experience discrimination in practica and internships.  The
president of Gallaudet has said "a deaf person can do anything except
hear."  He was trained as a psychologist, long before accommodations
were common.  If you would like to talk about specific accommodations, I
would be more than happy to talk to you in depth, if you are interested.

Patrish' Dobosh

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