RJ -
        I show that video in my lifespan development class. I believe it's a
segment in the "Seasons of Life" series. The piece I show is about 5-10
minutes long, with Jerome Kagan, a mother, and her son. In the background,
Kagan quietly asks the mother to tell the child to pour water on a doll, and
when the child nervously refuses to do so, he (Kagan) points out that the
child not only knows the behavior is wrong, but has the negative emotions to
go with that knowledge.

        I don't know of any specific research references using this paradigm
(ugh...that word...), and would be interested in seeing any that you

Paul Smith
Alverno College

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 1999 2:38 PM
> Subject: "Moral" Behavior
> Tipsters,
>       A student told me this morning of a video she saw where
> children were
> instructed to engage in behviors they knew were bad (like
> spill something on
> a table) by parents and experimenters.  THe behavior coded
> was basically the
> child's reluctance to engage in such behaviors (even though
> they were assured
> that they wouldn't get in trouble).
> Is anyone familiar with this line of research?  I would
> appreciate any
> references.
> Thanks in Advance,
> RJ

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