On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Richard Platt wrote:

> For those interested in headless chickens you might want to check
> out the following websites.  They report on Mike, a chicken that
> had his head cut off in 1945 and managed to live for at least 18
> months after that <snip>
> http://home.nycap.rr.com/useless/headless_chicken/mike.html
> http://www.denverpost.com/news/news0517d.htm
> http://www.denverpost.com/news/news0511b.htm

Now _that_ is bizarre.

I also suggest that when you access the first URL you click on the
"Useless Information" logo to enjoy other bizarre and well-documented
stories. I thought the essay on Paul Kammerer and his attempt to
demonstrate Lamarkian inheritance particularly good. The only
omission seems to be that the essay allows only two choices: either
Kammerer faked it, or his experiment supports Lamarkianism. Instead I
believe Stephen Jay Gould has argued that the Kammerer experiment on
the midwife toad, even if true, could be understood through Darwinian
natural selection.

> Mike's case seems to support the cut location hypothesis.

But I note that Mike was actually a rooster, not a chicken.


Stephen Black, Ph.D.                      tel: (819) 822-9600 ext 2470
Department of Psychology                  fax: (819) 822-9661
Bishop's University                    e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lennoxville, QC           
J1M 1Z7                      
Canada     Department web page at http://www.ubishops.ca/ccc/div/soc/psy

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