My wife, the farm girl, used to help her father butcher chickens and ducks,
among other species. She reports that they would not allow them to move in order
to prevent bruising of the meat. Apparently they could move about extensively
and thus had to be tied down. I recall watching the butchering of a snapping
turtle and it proceeded to move for a good 20 minutes after decapitation. In
both cases, the neck was severed near the base of the skull since the neck was
saved and used in the soup.

I love this topic. Aside from asking answerable questions, it brings back fond
memories of my childhood in Cleveland. It also points out that. in the past,
there was a clear cognitive connection between the food we ate and the animal
that gave it to us. My daughter has no trouble eating "pork" or "beef," but
"pigs" and "cows" are another story.

William Wozniak, Ph.D.
Professor of Psychology
Department of Psychology
University of Nebraska at Kearney
Kearney, NE 68849
Ph:  308-865-8235
Fax: 308-865-8980

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