Michael Sylvester was just saying, and I quote:

> It is obvious that Eurocentric tipsters have not attended and
> participated in some African-American religious services.
> For if thou goest to one of these,right on Rev,you will discover,
> yes Rev, that all your pain and mental anxiety will go away,praise
> the Lord. It was black churches,yes Rev,that was a keep factor,alleluia,
> that help give comfort tro blacks when everthing appeared down and out.
> Paise the Lord.Praise be Jesus.

Michael, unless you are being intentionally inflammatory (which is of
course not entirely unlikely) it seems you could make this point without
trivialization of constructs you may not appreciate.  For a different take
on these sublime survival processes, try Cornell West and his poignant
account of sitting beside a slave cemetary and hearing the voices of the
dead.  I don't remember it perfectly, and don't have the book in front of
me, but it goes something like "And as I sat there I seemed to hear the
chorus of rich spirituals that somehow contributed to these souls finding
their way through an impossible situation...nothing else got down quite
deeply enough."  Try trivializing _that_, "Rev."

Mark "Not African-American and Not Religious But Not Intentionally
Trivializing and Somewhat Pissed-Off" Kunkel

Auburn, AL

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