I know this was discussed on tips in the not so recent past, but
the discussion went on and on so much I finally got lost on what
the final word on it was.

So, if anyone thinks they have an answer with something to reference
their position as to whether or not it is OK to use 17-year old
college students as subjects without parental consent, could you 
please post it asap.

Since I think others might be interested posting to list should be a
good idea.

(had a proposal turned down that said it would include "freshmen" status
students without a caveat to exclude those under 18, so need some evidence
that it would be OK, I hope)


Annette Taylor, Ph. D.
Department of Psychology                E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of San Diego                 Voice:   (619) 260-4006
5998 Alcala Park
San Diego, CA  92110

                "Education is one of the few things a person
                 is willing to pay for and not get."
                                                -- W. L. Bryan

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