From: Finance - Internet Daily  08/23/1999

11 million are Web addicts

A Connecticut psychotherapist says his research shows that slmost six
percent of Web users suffer from addiction to the World Wide Web. David
Greenfield told the American Psychological Assn. meeting in Boston this
weekend, "Marriages are being disrupted, kids are getting into trouble,
people are committing illegal acts." Greenfield's research included 990
participants, and was conducted jointly with ABC News. Greenfield's
analysis of the data, the Associated Press reported, suggests Net users'
feelings of intimacy, timelessness and lack of inhibition make the
Internet a seductive force. 

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John W. Nichols, M.A.
Assistant Professor of Psychology & Computer Science
Tulsa Community College
909 S. Boston Ave., Tulsa, OK  74119
(918) 595-7134


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