There is a positive side to getting behind in your email - you see
similarities between lists.  On this list we have been discussing
evidence-based vs faith-based beliefs, particularly as it relates to
students.  On a health education list the discussion has been about
DARE and why schools continue to use a curriculum which all the
evidence at best says is ineffective and at worst says that it
does does harm [eg, is associated with higher rates
of drug use in suburban schools].  It clearly is a case of
faith-based belief - the evidence is not believed.  In the meantime
we have not just wasted money on an ineffective program; we have also
not been able to spend that money on effective programs.  Finding a
way to get our students to not discard evidence because it clashes
with their beliefs clearly is bigger than their individual well-being.
It affects the well-being of our communities.

Joyce Morris                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Public Health Sciences
Wichita State University
Wichita, Kansas

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