
You do NOT work at Transylvania University. That is too cool.

On to psych--

I developed a small-group activity for Erikson's theory which has worked
really well. Students would break into groups of 2 or 3 and read short
(2-4 pp) segments I'd pulled from *The Bell Jar*, *Shampoo Planet*, and
*Two Girls Fat & Thin* and discuss the levels of development attained by
the protagonists in various domain (social, intrapersonal, etc.). They
*really* got into it. 

I believe I developed a worksheet around this to facilitate their
discussion--I could send it to you as an attachment, if you like. 

A remarkable autobiography/memoir, if it is in print, is Paul Fussell's
*Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder*. He was an intellectual
young man with severe body dysmorphia who had a nervous breakdown (oh,
don't anyone call me down for the unscientific phrase, please) and
immersed himself in bodybuilding and its culture. Highly recommended by
me, and by all my friends pressured into reading it who say, "I didn't
think I'd like that, but ..."  


Robin Pearce              "I am really full of joy like a watermelon     
Boston University                    to be here with you."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                     -Roberto Benigni

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