Stephen Black quoted:

>         Our puzzler question is hypothetical:
> If you had four college-attending siblings, and were forced to
> choose JUST ONE of them to write your papers for you, then
> ETHICALLY which one should you choose?
>         1. A sibling who attends a prestigious college
>         2. A sibling who is a sister
>         3. A sibling who refuses to accept payment for written work
>         4. A sibling who is a computer science major
> Please send your Ethics Puzzler answer (25 words max, please) to

        Siblings are defined as brothers and sisters.

        In this household, therefore, are five siblings (the four above plus the
sibling who needs the paper).

        The ethical choice would be the sibling who needs the paper written.

        As an alternative: Select the sibling who refuses to accept payment and
request that s/he place the entire paper in inset paragraphs with a direct
citation to him/her self at the end. Type a cover page with your own name
and a works cited page with the sibling cited. Turn the paper in.

        Each sibling has benefits:

        1. If you can convince this one to major in law, s/he may get you
reinstated in 6-8 years when you are expelled for cheating.

        2. You can claim that women are under-represented in the discipline and
this is your attempt to provide equal treatment for a minority group (it
won't work anywhere but Antioch--but at least you can claim you were
expelled due to your opposition to sexism).

        3. See the above for this one. At the least, getting expelled will be

        4. Good choice. Have them write the paper in hexadecimal. That way the
instructor won't be able to read it, and will simply grade it "0," costing
you your grade, but permitting you to remain enrolled in the college.

        How'd I do?


Rick Adams
Department of Social Sciences
Jackson Community College, Jackson, MI

"... and the only measure of your worth and your deeds
will be the love you leave behind when you're gone."

Fred Small, J.D., "Everything Possible"

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