At 12:57 AM 8/27/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Who is Knight Dunlap and what is the source of this (excellent)
>quote?  It reminds me of one attributed to Sagan (I think) in the
>Scientific American article on religion and science ... something
>to the effect that one cannot do science during the week and
>attend church on Sundays.

That Scientific American issue on science and religion sounds like good
reading.  I should get it.  In any event, keeping in mind the finding that 40%
of scientists believe in God, Is there an implication or concern in Sagan's
writings, or the writings of some other prominent scientist, that those who
attend church or hold spiritual beliefs (e.g., belief in God) might not produce
good science?  

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< 
Miguel Roig, Ph.D.                      Voice: (718) 390-4513 
Assoc. Prof. of Psychology      Fax: (718) 442-3612 
Dept. of Psychology                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
St. John's University                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
300 Howard Avenue              or
Staten Island, NY 10301     
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