The following sounds like a strange type of psychotherapy, purposely
aimed at constructing false memories that fit with the ideology of the
therapist.  Anyone know about this kind of therapy?  Is it just part of the
general movement to find some (therapist constructed) "better" illusion by
which to live?  Gary Peterson

Gerald (Gary) L. Peterson, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
Saginaw Valley State University
University Center, MI 48710

>                   HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL
>                10th ANNUAL SUMMER SEMINARS
>Psychoanalysis Enacted: Re-Experiencing the Old,  Constructing the New
>                          Albert Pesso, Martha Stark, M.D.
>                          and Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D.
>                                        August 2-6, 1999
>Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP) was co-created in 1961 by Albert
>Pesso and Diane Boyden-Pesso.  Their mind/body treatment approach derives
>in part from their comprehensive knowledge of working psycho-dynamically
>and their extensive experience working with trauma and abuse survivors.
>The objective of this seminar is to help clinicians develop an in-depth
>understanding of the contributions PBSP can make to their work with a
>broad range of patients.  The aim is to create theoretical and technical
>bridges between PBSP and mainstream psychotherapeutic work.
>Of particular clinical usefulness is the way in which the PBSP therapist
>empathically tracks the patient's verbal expressions, affective
>experiences, bodily states, and core belief systems -- with an eye to
>making these elements more accessible to the patient's consciousness.
>This microtracking facilitates emergence and re-experiencing of the
>early-on traumatic parental failures.
>In addition, the PBSP therapist focuses on the patient's proactive
>efforts to bring about that which he/she most needs in order to heal; the
>patient choreographs" the moves of individuals enlisted as "ideal
>parents" and then constructs kinesthetic/sensorimotor memories deriving
>from gratifying interactions with them.
>This corrective provision is something  that takes place in the present
>but is experienced, and internally  registered, "as if" it had actually
>taken place in the past.  The new  memories are placed alongside the
>original traumatogenic memories, thereby positively modifying future
>expectations.   In PBSP the primary therapeutic actions is therefore not
>about grieving unmet developmental needs; rather, it is about
>symbolically gratifying those needs.
>Inquiries should be directed to:
>Harvard MED-CME
>P.O. Box 825
>Boston, MA 02117-0825
>Tel: (617) 432-1525

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