Some interesting information.

Nina L. Tarner                            $
Graduate Student in Animal Learning       $       Kansas State University
Department of Psychology                  $        Manhattan, KS. 66506
539 Bluemont Hall                         $         (785) 532-6850 (msg)
email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     $         (785) 532-7004 (fax)

 Cooking the School Books How U.S. News cheats in picking its "best American
colleges."  By Bruce Gottlieb (Bruce Gottlieb, a former Slate staff
writer, is currently attending Harvard Law School.)

According to the annual "America's Best Colleges" issue of U.S. News & World
Report, published Aug. 30, the best college in the United States is the
California Institute of Technology. This was dramatic, since Caltech, while
highly regarded, is not normally thought of as No. 1. Last year Caltech was
rated No. 9, while the top spot was an uninteresting three-way tie among
Harvard, Yale, and Princeton.       

    "Why does U.S. News rank colleges?" asks U.S. News. The "simple answer," the
magazine says, is, "We do it to help you make one of the most important
decisions of your life." Perhaps. Another simple answer is that the annual
college rankings (and similar rankings of graduate schools and hospitals) are
lucrative and influential unlike anything else the No. 3 newsmag does. Newsstand
sales are almost double those of a normal issue, and a paperback-book version
sells a million copies. Colleges brag or complain loudly about their scores,
enhancing the 'Snooze either way. Whatever their validity as measures of
academic excellence, the annual rankings are a brilliant gimmick for U.S. News.
But there's a problem. A successful feature like this requires surprise, which
means volatility. Nobody's going to pay much attention if it's Harvard, Yale,
and Princeton again and again, year after year. Yet the relative merits of
America's top universities surely change slowly, if at all. Naturally, U.S. News
does not just make up its ratings. It uses a weighted average of 16 numerical
factors such as average class size, acceptance rate (fraction of applicants who
are admitted), and amount of alumni giving. Trouble is, any combination of these
factors just isn't going to change enough from year to year to keep things
interesting.  So how on earth can U.S. News explain Caltech's one-year rise?    

    The magazine tries to deny that there's anything odd about a college
improving so quickly. The "best colleges" story argues: "Caltech has always been
within striking distance of the top of the chart. In 1989, Caltech was the No. 3
school, ahead of Harvard. ... Last year, Caltech had the fourth-highest score
among national universities." The first assertion is irrelevant: We're not
interested in the 10-year rise from third but rather in the one-year rise from
ninth. The second assertion is technically true but practically dishonest:
Caltech had the "fourth-highest score" last year only because there were two
three-way ties and one two-way tie among the eight schools that beat it.  But
the real reason Caltech jumped eight spaces this year is that the editors at
U.S. News fiddled with the rules. The lead story of the "best colleges" package
says that a change in "methodology ... helped" make Caltech No. 1. Buried in a
sidebar is the flat-out concession that "[t]he effect of the change ... was to
move [Caltech] into first place." No "helped" about it. In other words, Caltech
didn't improve this year, and Harvard, Yale, and Princeton didn't get any worse.
If the rules hadn't changed, HYP would still be ahead. If the rules had changed
last year, Caltech would have been on top a year earlier.  (In fact, if the U.S.
News criteria are taken seriously, and if they held steady, Caltech may actually
have slipped in quality this past year. Most indicators did not change compared
to last year. But graduation rate, number of classes with fewer than 20
students, and percentage of faculty members who work full-time actually
declined. Only two indicators showed small improvements: percentage of accepted
students in top 10 percent of their high-school classes went from 99 percent to
100 percent [big deal!], and Caltech's acceptance rate fell from 23 percent to
18 percent.)  

US. News denies that it changes the rules--as it does every year--simply to
change the results. Robert Morse, U.S. News' statistical guru, explained to me
that this year's ranking procedures are an "improvement" over last year's.
Doesn't that imply, I said, that last year's rankings were inferior? And
shouldn't U.S. News apologize to anyone who made "one of the most important
decisions of your life"--possibly turning down Caltech for Princeton--based on
rankings the magazine itself now regards as inaccurate? Morse replied that he
hadn't said the earlier ratings were inferior. But if something improves, I
pressed him, doesn't that mean that it was less excellent before the
improvement? Morse grudgingly allowed that I was free to make that inference. I
can't prove that U.S. News keeps changing the rules simply in order to change
the results. But if not, U.S. News ought to shy away from horse-race headlines
such as "Caltech Comes out on Top." A more honest summary might be "We Finally
Realize That Caltech Is Tops." Or "Caltech on Top (Until We Fiddle With Rules

 So, how did Caltech come out on top? Well, one variable in a school's ranking
has long been educational expenditures per student, and Caltech has
traditionally been tops in this category. But until this year, U.S. News
considered only a school's ranking in this category--first, second, etc.--rather
than how much it spent relative to other schools. It didn't matter whether
Caltech beat Harvard by $1 or by $100,000. Two other schools that rose in their
rankings this year were MIT (from fourth to third) and Johns Hopkins (from 14th
to seventh). All three have high per-student expenditures and all three are
especially strong in the hard sciences. Universities are allowed to count their
research budgets in their per-student expenditures, though students get no
direct benefit from costly research their professors are doing outside of class.
In its "best colleges" issue two years ago, U.S. News made precisely this point,
saying it considered only the rank ordering of per-student expenditures, rather
than the actual amounts, on the grounds that "expenditures at institutions with
large research programs and medical schools are substantially higher than those
at the rest of the schools in the category." In other words, just two years ago,
the magazine felt it unfair to give Caltech, MIT, and Johns Hopkins credit for
having lots of fancy laboratories that don't actually improve undergraduate

 Each of U.S. News' criteria can generate a quibble like this one. But there is
a larger philosophical flaw in the "best colleges" rankings. Consider this
analogy: Suppose you wanted to rank baseball teams. You might choose some
plausible criteria such as players' lifetime batting averages and salaries, the
coaches' years of professional experience, and so on. To decide whether these
criteria were valid, and what relative weights to give them, you would look at
the figures for winning and losing teams of the past. Because you know which
teams are successful before you begin your analysis--those that win--you can use
mathematics to identify similarities among those winning teams.  But with the
U.S. News rankings there is no objective way to know which schools are winners
before you begin your analysis. In fact, determining the winners is the point of
the exercise. So you sit around and brainstorm about whether faculty resources
(class size, faculty salaries, etc.) or student graduation rates, for instance,
are more important to educational "quality." Right now, U.S. News gives the two
characteristics equal weight, which seems reasonable. But if you told me that
faculty resources are twice as important as student graduation rates, that would
seem reasonable too.        

 Mel Elfin, the retired U.S. News editor who more or less created the current
college rankings, explained to Lingua Franca: "We've come up with a list that
underscores intuitive judgments. We did not set out to underscore [those]
judgments; we set out with a methodology. That it wound up this way is to me
both a justification and a discovery that we're on the right track." This is a
masterpiece of circular logic. Elfin is saying: 1) We trust our methodology
because it confirms our intuition; and 2) we are confirmed in our intuition
because it is supported by our methodology. And the truth is that the rankings'
success actually depends on confounding most people's intuition. For example, by
declaring that Caltech is superior to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, MIT,
and so on. And why should people find that so hard to believe? Maybe because you
told them the opposite just last year.  

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