
I am going to experiment this semester with a new way of writing essay 
questions.  Whenever possible, I am going to phrase my questions so as to ask 
students to formulate questions about the materials that have been presented 
in the text and lectures rather than just regurgitate information.

I was hoping this might be one way to combat the intellectual passivity that 
my students have likely developed in order to survive in our educational 
system and society.  I am sure I am not the first teacher to try this out.  I 
was wondering if anyone on the list had attempted something similar and if he 
or she would feel comfortable sharing their impressions of the results with 
me on or off list.

Thanks to all for your continuing help.  I am indebted to TIPS always.  Have 
a great holiday weekend.

Nancy Melucci
Faux Full-Timer, Behavioral and Social Sciences
El Camino College
Torrance, CA
"If you are destined to be a tamale, corn husks will be falling from the sky."

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