Well, I almost made it out of the house.

Quickly to respond to the last post concerning evaluations.

Personally, I think Hitler and I share little in the way of beliefs.  It is
always a treat to be compared to Hitler or told that we both share common
political beliefs.

Never looked at the Michigan evaluations - some of them are quite lovely.
It did raise the issue that perhaps the word "pimp" is being used across
campuses as a positive comment.  So, it is possible that this statement was
not meant as a negative.

In terms of focussing on the negative - guilty as charged.  I perceive the
negative to be the source of the harm being discussed.  I suffer from this
same "flaw" when discussing what I perceive to be human rights violations
to individuals across the globe.  No travelogue for Myanmar will be coming
from me.   Please note that I am not saying that www.collegestudent.com is
the Myanmar of the internet.  That would be absurd.

I'm sure that others on this list have spent time in jail for political
activities.  I'm sure others besides myself have experienced the handcuff,
give us your shoelaces/belt, and it goes downhill from there routine.  I'm
am not sure however, that this necessarily qualifies a particular expertise
upon myself or others.  Anyone want to compare police records?


"Linda M. Woolf" wrote:

> Howdy Y'all,
> Just wanted to let you all know that I'm done with the course evaluation
> thread (cheers heard throughout Tipdom!).  I think my opinions
> concerning the www.collegestudent.com's web site management process
> (unless they write back with additional information) and human/civil
> rights are pretty clear by now.
> Anyway, I'm heading out to play as the last days of sun and summer lurk
> before the monsoons of Fall and the gray clouds of Winter descend on St.
> Louis.  Little weather joy in mudville during the upcoming months.
> Finished and sent off a book review last week -  _On Listening to
> Holocaust Survivors_.  I'd recommend it.  Need to finish writing an
> article over Labor Day.  But today - I play!
> Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday,
> linda
> --
> linda m. woolf, ph.d.
> associate professor - psychology
> webster university
> main webpage:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/
> Holocaust and genocide studies pages:
> http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/holocaust.html
> womens' pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/women.html
> gerontology pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/gero.html

linda m. woolf, ph.d.
associate professor - psychology
webster university

main webpage:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/
Holocaust and genocide studies pages:
womens' pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/women.html
gerontology pages:  http://www.webster.edu/~woolflm/gero.html


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