> Just a quick reminder to folks to follow an entire thread history when
> I know I have failed to do this in the past and it can lead to confusion
> misperceptions.
> If you note my comment in context (follow the thread) it was a response
to someone
> who felt genocide/conflict/war was not related to psychology.
> "This IS a teaching of _psychology_ list, so _anything_ CAN be made 
relevant, but
> not everything IS relevant. Thinking of posting his get rich quick
> scheme(relevance? persuasion, method of authority, give me 5 minutes,
I'll think of
> more) to the list,

Sorry folks, but I can't let this go.

You're just "not getting it" Linda. You are referring to my post, which HAD
NOTHING TO DO WITH whether or not "genocide/conflict/war" is related to
psychology. Reread my post again, slowly this time.

Once more, for the back of the room: the post was stating (an opinion that
has been shared by many members of this list) that garnering support for a
political position was an inappropriate use of the list. That's it!! That
was the point! 

Even the original poster has (graciously) agreed with this position, yet
SOMEONE refuses to let the thread die by twisting it into something that it
isn't. You _instruct_ the rest of us to read entire threads and place each
post in its proper context. I suggest that you follow your own advice.


P.S. Processing 'attempts at humor' often involves inferencing.

David J. Bennett Ph.D.        Voice: 617/521-2603
Department of Psychology   Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Simmons College
300 The Fenway                               ObQuote:
Boston, MA  02115          "Life does not cease to be funny when people
FAX: 617-521-3086         die any more than it ceases to be serious when
                                          people laugh."
                                                            -George Bernard

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