On Fri, 10 Sep 1999 20:47:45 -0700 Larry Dickerson 

> Ken Steele wrote:
> >Mike:  How do you like WebCT?  I found it to be cumbersome and 
> >have discovered that there are PD perl scripts that one can use 
> >more flexibly.
> I'm quite surprised to hear the negative comments about WebCT. I have
> taught intro psych totally online for five semesters now, the last three
> with WebCT, and our students take to WebCT very quickly, much faster than
> the combination of web/e-mail/FirstClass that we used initially. I have
> steered away from the bells and whistles like Chat and Whiteboard, which I
> have found to be distractions to learning; I have found that the basic
> WebCT is very conducive to the cooperative learning activities and other
> social interactions that I emphasize. The learning curve for WebCT course
> designers is as easy as I can imagine for someone like me, who wouldn't
> know a perl script from a pearly gate.


Here is an example of what I mean.  Say I discover an 
interesting url that I want my students to view or an 
interesting article that I want them to read. I could go to my 
class web site where I might have a table labeled "Interesting 
Stuff for Students."  The easy (for me) action is to type the 
url into the next row, highlight it, and indicate it to be a url 
with my web editor and that is all.  And if it a reference to an 
article, then I just type in the text string and that is all.

My table could be a list of text strings, urls, gifs, adobe pdf 
files links, real audio file links, etc.  It doesn't matter.

Here is what you must do in WebCT (abridged from page 39 of the 
WebCT tutorial) to add a reference to a book, article, or URL to 
your course content page:

"WebCT's Reference Editor allows you to associate your course 
content with external references so that students can find 
supplementary information on the current topic.  These 
references can be any of three types:
        References to textbooks
        References to articles
        References to URLs

To access the Reference Editor, you must be on a page located on 
the WebCT Path.  On the Page Design Menu, click on the 
References button. ...

The top frame updates to list the references which are defined 
for the current page. ... The bottom frame shows the Reference 
Editor Menu.

Before you add a reference to a page, you must create a new 
"Resource".  A resource is the actual book or article that 
your're referring to.  When you create new resource, you enter 
the publications information into WebCT's database.  This 
information only has to be typed in once.  After the information 
is stored, and you wish to make reference to that resource, all 
you have to do is select from a list of available resources."

Whew! (URLs are handled in a similar manner through separate 

What is important to note here is that a simple task like 
putting up a reference (only a text string) has been turned into 
this multi-step process.  I have to go to a special add 
reference function, which is going to put my reference in a 
database, require me to give it a label to put in my resources 
list, and then I reference the label in the list.  And if 
this were a link to an image or a sound file or url, then I 
need to go through separate menus to accomplish the same 

For me, it is much easier to type in my table "Check out the hot 
new article by Smith & Jones in the current issue of Psych 


Kenneth M. Steele                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Associate Professor
Dept. of Psychology
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608

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