See the American Psychologist special issue (Feb 92) vol 47 No2. It includes several chapters on females in the hisotyr of psych. Texts I have in the office right now are, Uneasy careers and intimate lives: O'Connell & Russo, Women in Psychology, Greenweed Press, Kerber's (1988) Separate spheres, female worlds, woman's place:. . ,Abir-Am, (1987) Women in science 1789 - 1979.Names to look for are Furumoto, Abir-Am & Outram, Cadwallader, Kerber, and Rossiter (women in science).
Hope that helps, Tim

>Does anyone have any good sources for including women and minorities in
>a class on the history and systems of psychology? I'm looking through 6
>different texts and all I see are white males (no offense to white
>males, but, hey!). Books or any supplementary articles, etc., would be
>greatly appreciated.
>Tasha R. Howe, Ph.D.
>Assistant Professor of Psychology
>Transylvania University
>300 N. Broadway
>Lexington, KY 40508
>(606) 233-8144
>FAX (606) 233-8797

Timothy O. Shearon, PhD
Albertson College of Idaho
Department of Psychology
2112 Cleveland Blvd
Caldwell, Idaho


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