
There is much wrong with your reasoning about punishment in your last 3 
posts.  Here is just a couple of comments.

1) The opinions of some random members of other cultural groups (who probably 
volunteered their thoughts) do not make appropriate material for comparison 
with scientific study.  I can think of some "third variables" too, like a 
generally stronger orientation to family and collectivistic values that may 
keep some anti-social behaviors in check in other cultures.  It simply 
requires less thought to pin it all our current woes on a lack of corporal 

2) You are the second person to bring up that "autistic child" study.  It is 
not appropriate to generalize to non-autistic children based on this study.

You offer only weak arguments.  And please don't counter with the 
non-eurocentric angle, because I am a product of a fully eurocentric 
household that thought that slapping, spanking and yelling were just A-OK. 
And it wasn't.

Nancy Melucci
El Camino College
Torrance, CA

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