Jim write:

> Okay, I visited that web site, and here is what it says about spanking.
> -------------------------
> Restrained spanking can be an appropriate discipline for
> children. It’s in the
> Bible, Proverbs 29:15, TLB. "Scolding and spanking a child
> helps him to learn.
> Left to himself, he brings shame to his mother."
> ---------------------------
> Is this the religious dogma we're supposed to find so terrifying?

        Read Leviticus. Among other things it teaches that if a child does not
honor his or her parents s/he should be put to death!

        Before you scoff at that as something no one would take seriously even as
an injunction to punish severely instead, remember that's the same book
that gives us Lev. 18:22, the infamous injunction that is used to justify
discrimination against homosexuals and to support sodomy laws in the US.

        Rational religious people don't take such injunctions seriously, but
"Bible Thumpers" do--at least to the extent of applying severe discipline
in the form of beatings, etc., in order to follow another injunction:
"Spare the rod and spoil the child."


Rick Adams
Department of Social Sciences
Jackson Community College, Jackson, MI

"... and the only measure of your worth and your deeds
will be the love you leave behind when you're gone."

Fred Small, J.D., "Everything Possible"

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