
In my past life I was a prison psychologist for about 10 years.  During 
that time I learned that the best predictor of future behaviour was past 
behaviour.  I know of no reliable instrument that will "spot a potential 
killer" or any other sort of criminal activity.  There _are_ several good 
instruments which will predict the re-occurance of criminal activity and 
they are often used in making parole predictions.  Interestingly they 
generally ignore behaviour in prison and focus on factors that existed 
pre-incarceration e.g. were you married at the time you committed your 
crime?, employed? etc.

With regard to preventive detention; In Canada the only way we can 
incarcerate someone in advance of a criminal act is if the person has 
been declared a Dangerous Offender.  To earn this designation you must 
have committed a series of serious crimes (like sexual assault) and be 
deemed to still be at risk of committing further offenses by a number of 
psychiatrists and psychologists.  D.O. sentences are rare and, when 
handed down, still contain the provision of regular parole review.

Hope that helps,   -Don.

Don Allen                               email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Dept. of Psychology                     voice: (604)-323-5871
Langara College                         fax:   (604)-323-5555
100 W. 49th Ave.
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada, V5Y 2Z6

On Sat, 16 Oct 1999, John W. Nichols, M.A. wrote:

> I thought some TIPSters might like to take a shot at this.  Note that
> the "Reply All" function will send a copy directly to the student, as
> well as to the list.
> -- 
> ----------==========>>>>>>>>>> τΏτ <<<<<<<<<<==========----------
> John W. Nichols, M.A.
> Assistant Professor of Psychology & Computer Science
> Tulsa Community College
> 909 S. Boston Ave., Tulsa, OK  74119
> (918) 595-7134
> Home:
> MegaPsych:

My name is Cori Cummins and I attend Gonzaga University located in
Spokane, Washington.  I am writing an article on criminal behavior for a
journalism class and was wondering if you could answer a few questions for
me.  I happened to stumble across your e-mail address while searching the


Is it possible to identify or recognize behavior that may indicate that
the person might be a killer?  For example, People say that Buford Furrow
should not have had the opportunity to murder innocent children because he
should have been locked up according to his prior behavior and comments.

If it is possible to predict behavior is there ways to imprison people
legally, based on assumption?

What is your personal take on the prediction of behavior and the
imprisoning of people based on "abnormal" behavior?

Thank you for your time and I would appreciate any insights that you could
offer me.

Cori Cummins

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