
I don't have the original reference handy, but it was from _ToPs_ about
seven or eight years ago, and I've found it very useful. The author was a
Randy, but not Randy Smith, the other one.  Simple: Begin each day with a
toast to a "Great Psychologist."  Mere biographical renderings are not
highly reinforced. What the toast should do is convey why this person should
be considered as "great."  Ideally, the person toasted should either have a
BD or DD on or near the class day, or should be scheduled to be covered that
week in our text. The original author had a long list sorted by birth and
death dates.  I have added to that at least 100 more people he didn't have,
but both lists are in old WordPerfect 5.1 files and very hard (for me) to
append to an email.

Anyway, that's the general idea. We have non-alcoholic drinks and raise a
glass to old what's his name. Typically there are two or three toasts each
class, and each student gives three or four toasts each semester.


Al L. Cone
Jamestown College   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
North Dakota  701.252.3467   X 2604

-----Original Message-----
From: Tasha Howe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:01 AM
Subject: In Class History Activities

What are some activities you have done IN CLASS during a History of
Psych. course? I have lots of good homework/paper/project assignments
but nothing to break up the lecture/discussion format while in class.
Tasha R. Howe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Transylvania University
300 N. Broadway
Lexington, KY  40508
(606) 233-8144
FAX (606) 233-8797

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