Bob Keefer wrote:

> This is not a valid argument; go to and start your own
> free list there.

        And add all the members to a SPAM list?

        No thanks, I doubt most people would appreciate that very much.

> Why are you posting your private problems with e-mail to the list?  Does
> your system not have a way to delete mail unread?


        But I don't do so.

        Again, for the last time, if it is a response to a message IN this list
it should be sent TO this list. If a person doesn't't want it public, they
have no business sending it in the first place.

        Is that _really_ so difficult to understand?

> I often write to people off-list if the topic is one at (a) would not
> normally be a subject of the list or (b) I perceive it as something that
> the person I'm writing to might be/ought to be embarrassed about. Just
> because someone else is rude enough to use the list for non-list
> business doesn't mean you should follow suit.

        Then you shouldn't respond at all!

        People have a right to privacy--when you carry list communications to the
private level you invade that privacy.

> No one said you weren't being harassed, just that you are complicit in
> that harassment.  It's not clear to me why this harassment would be
> list business, or what a list-owner could do about it anyway; throwing
> someone off the list isn't going to do anything to stop private e-mail.

        No one is _suggesting_ that Bill do anything about it at all. Learn to
read! I simply stated that I would forward ALL future messages from that
individual which involved list messages TO the list. If he doesn't want
them here, there's an easy answer--don't write them in the first place!

> If you delete a message unread, how does it harass you?

        In other words if a woman is receiving sexually offensive material, she
should simply delete it too?

        Let's all make the victim responsible for the problem, ok?


>  If the mail
> becomes so voluminous as to overflow your mailbox, contact the ISP of
> the offending party.  If you don't know how to set up filters for your
> mailer, as someone who can help you do so; you won't even know you're
> -getting- the offending e-mail that way!  If you simply delete
> someone's' mail unread, I doubt they will write for long.

        I really don't need a lecture on how to use a mailer--I've been
participating on email lists since the BITNET days.

        From my perspective your views are neither reasonable nor well thought
out. If a message originates in a list that is where ALL responses belong.
Period. Not in a kill file. Not in a trash can. In the list where others
can see the character of the people they are communicating with in the

> How is sending e-mail infringing on your rights of privacy? Your example
> of e-mail that might be sexual harassing does not make clear to me how
> it would be an invasion of privacy.

        Then there is no point in continuing this conversation. You have no
concept of rights.


Rick Adams

Please restrict all responses to list messages
to the email list in which the original message
appeared. Offensive and insulting email responses
will, regardless of content, be assumed to have
been intended for direct submission to the list
and will be posted there as a courtesy to the author.

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